Birmingham: Man attacked with wine bottle for ‘holding another man’s hand’
A man was left with blood pouring down his face after he was battered with a wine bottle in a brutal homophobic attack -...
Covid passport app available in Scotland from this week: how will it work?
Scotland's covid vaccination certificate scheme will come into force at 5am on Friday (October 1). However, there will be a two-week grace period before...
The huge shortages currently facing the UK as Christmas crisis looms, Report
Nearly every sector of the economy in Britain is facing some sort of shortage, sparking fears of an impending Christmas crisis.
There's an ongoing fuel...
Birmingham: Pensioner kicked and beaten in his own home in late-night burglary
Raiders dragged hin from bed and demanded the keys to his car. He remains in hospital with a brain bleed.
A 77-year-old was left badly...
Coronavirus: Further 28 deaths as 40,224 more cases recorded in UK
A further 28 people in the UK have died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19, the government has said.
Statistics from the last...
Insulate Britain defy injunction to block M25 for sixth time in two weekse, Report
The climate emergency activists have once again clogged up Britain's busiest motorway this morning, with footage showing the group sitting down in front of...
Detectives appeal for help to find four siblings missing from north London, Report
Detectives are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of four children missing from their home.
The siblings - Tyler Jackman, aged 11, Zeah Jackman, aged...
Earth Oldest Dirt: UO geologist Greg Retallack has dirt on his hands
UO geologist Greg Retallack has dirt on his hands—and at 3.7 billion years old, it might be some of the oldest dirt on Earth.
NHS: How to change or cancel a COVID-19 vaccine appointment
THE NHS has sent texts to more than 1.7 million Brits inviting them to rebook their second Covid vaccine appointment - so how do...
Croydon bus crash: Girl, 15, fighting for her life as 20 are injured
A 15-year-old girl is in critical condition after a double decker bus crashed into a bus shelter in south London in a suspected drug-driving...