17 December Meeting of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee

The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

The next meeting of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee will take place on 17 December 2020, by video conference, hosted by the EU.

The meeting will be co-chaired by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, and Vice President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič.

The agenda will include four items:

1) Introduction and opening remarks from co-chairs

1.1) Stocktake of Specialised Committees

1.2) Future Specialised Committee meetings

2) Update on Withdrawal Agreement Implementation

2.1) Citizens’ rights

2.1.1) Second Joint Report on Residency

2.1.2) Joint Committee Decision on triangulation

2.2) Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland

2.2.1) Joint Committee Decisions foreseen by the Protocol

2.2.2) Joint Committee Decision on correction of errors and omissions

2.2.3) Unilateral Declarations

2.3) Dispute settlement – list of arbitrators

3) AOB

4) Concluding remarks

The UK delegation will include:

  • Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
  • The Paymaster General, Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP

Representatives from the Northern Ireland Executive have been invited to form part of the UK delegation.

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