36th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on the United States

Julian Braithwaite

Thank you, Madam President.

The UK welcomes US engagement with the UPR, its action to tackle modern slavery – including anti-trafficking legislation signed into law over the past four years – and strong US support for media freedom internationally. We also welcome the recent steps taken on policing reform, including the Executive Order on “Safe Policing for Safe Communities”.

We recommend that the United States:

  1. Ratify the 2014 ILO Protocol, to the Forced Labour Convention.

  2. Clarify its approach, to ensuring access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.

  3. Work with state and local government, on best practice for the use of force by police, and on improving the relationships between law enforcement, and the communities they serve.

Thank you, Madam President.

Published 10 November 2020


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