37th Universal Periodic Review: UK statement on Oman

Rita French

The United Kingdom recognises Oman’s progress on human rights issues since it’s 2014 review, particularly efforts to combat human trafficking, including through abolition of the ‘No Objection Certificate’ system. However, we remain concerned that recent amendments to the penal code can limit freedom of expression and association, particularly targeting journalists and activists.

The UK welcomes Oman’s accession to the Convention against Torture; and the ICESCR. We urge Oman to implement the substantive provisions of these treaties and submit regular reports on progress.

We recommend Oman:

  1. Provide labour law protection for domestic workers and, strengthen anti-trafficking legislation;

  2. Ratify and implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

  3. Guarantee the right to freedom of expression, assembly and association by amending the Penal Code and other laws such as the Press and Publications Law.

Thank you.

Published 21 January 2021

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