‘An enemy not a friend!’ Irish PM Leo Varadkar sparks fury with Brexit-bashing rant | Politics | News – UK



His comments came after he claimed Theresa May had given him exclusive access to paperwork mapping out he UK’s ambitions post-Brexit, in which he also warned the Prime Minister about “cherry picking” of EU rules and regulations.

He said: “While we regret them leaving, we are not going to let them destroy it.”

Mr Varadkar also said Britain should know its place after Brexit and that it was not an equal partner to the bloc, The Sun reports.

He also attacked Britain for not developing a post-Brexit plan two years ago when the historic EU referendum saw the country vote to cut all ties with Brussels.

Brexiteer Iain Duncan Smith slammed the Republic of Ireland leader’s comments and demanded Mr Varadkar stop “strutting around and start behaving like an adult”.

The Conservative politician said: “He’s behaving like we are an enemy not a friend.

“He seems to forget in the financial crisis it was Britain that borrowed money to help Ireland when the EU wasn’t prepared to help at all.”

He added: “He’s strutting around like he runs the EU and needs to start acting like a friend and neighbour.”

Mr Varadkar has often been on the receiving end of a backlash after voicing his Brexit-bashing opinions.

Recently, the self-proclaimed voice for the EU said mighty Brussels will not change its rules for Britain in a bizarre tirade.

He said: “We’re 27 member states, the UK is one country.

“We’re 500million people, the UK is 60million. That basic fact has to be understood.”

Though with the population of Ireland actually being closer to 4.8million and with 66.5million people living in the UK, it seems Mr Varadkar got his sums wrong.

Added to that, a no-deal scenario with the EU would see 2.5 percent of the Irish workforce forced onto the dole.

Mrs May held talks with Mr Varadkar on Thursday.

Ireland and the Irish border headache remain the biggest obstacle in Brexit’s path with Dublin and Brussels standing firm by their red line of blocking anything which could lead to a hard border on the island.



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