Appointment of Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission


The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland invites applications for the appointment of Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

The new Chief Commissioner will take up the appointment in late summer 2021 for a period of up to five years. Further details about the role, including the terms of appointment, and the application pack are available for download at

Alternatively, an application pack can be requested by email to or by telephoning 028 9076 5497. Unfortunately, we are unable to send or receive application packs by post at the current time. Please contact us if you require other formats.

The closing date for applications is Sunday 28 February 2021. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates appointments to the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions set out in the Northern Ireland Act 1998 makes appointments.

Published 3 February 2021

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