Boris Johnson and David Cameron savage Theresa May’s Brexit plan – UK



Boris Johnson met David Cameron on the eve of a key Brexit summit, with the pair agreeing Theresa May’s vision for Britain’s future relationship with the European Union was “the worst of both worlds”.

A source has confirmed to Sky News that the foreign secretary and former PM – who were on opposite sides of the Brexit referendum campaign – held talks.

Sky News understands the meeting was a long-standing catch-up, during which a number of issues were discussed.

The remarkable development comes as the prime minister gathers her cabinet at her country retreat of Chequers in a bid to agree on what they want Britain’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU to look like.

But there are vastly differing views on how closely, if at all, the UK should mirror Brussels’ rules and regulations when it comes to issues like trade and customs.

Leavers say sticking too close to them would not represent the will expressed by voters in the 2016 referendum to “take back control”, while Remainers argue going too far the other way would lead to chaos for businesses.

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