Boris Johnson tells parents sending children back to school is ‘healthy thing to do’ | UK | News (Reports)


Millions of pupils are due to return to the classroom for the first time in almost six months. The Prime Minister insisted it was safe now coronavirus cases are under the low level and schools have made all necessary preparations. In a question-and-answer session featuring England’s deputy chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries, Mr Johnson praised the “heroic effort” of students and staff over the past few months.

He said: “Absolutely every pupil needs to be back in school next week and in the course of the succeeding days as schools go back.

“Now is the time when a school is safe to go back to and the evidence is overwhelming that it is in the interest of the wellbeing and the health of children, young people, pupils, to be back in school rather than missing out any more.”

He added: “It is the healthy, safe thing to do.”

Heads will now decide whether pupils wear face coverings and the Government will no longer advise against it.

Dr Harries said there would be only an “occasional” risk that Covid-19 could be caught in schools and face masks in some areas were a “precaution”.

She said: “The evidence on face coverings is not very strong in either direction.

“We are continuing to learn around how the virus transmits and it may be we do change advice in the future – that’s because we are watching the science.”


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