Brexit: Fishermen fear ‘being sold down the river AGAIN’ as Boris heads to Brussels | UK | News (Reports)


Fisheries has remained one of the main areas of divergence between the two sides with the EU demanding continued access to Britain’s waters. Mr Johnson made his way to Brussels today in order to break the deadlock during a dinner with EU Commission President, Ms von der Leyen. The Government has insisted it will protect the UK’s waters now Britain is an independent coastal state but fishermen in England fear they will be “sold down the river”.

In a warning to the Prime Minister, fishermen have demanded to have their “waters back”.

Despite demanding a return of the UK’s waters, they have also indicated they would be prepared to allow some access to Britain’s waters.

Speaking to The Guardian, some fisherman in the Devon port of Brixham said: “We’ll be sold down the river again.

“We’ll be shafted, we always are.”

Another said: “I wish they’d get on and get it sorted.

“This could be a really significant moment for our industry.

“We want our waters and our quotas back.”

Brixham is one of the most important fishing ports in England despite the relative size of the industry.

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Although this was rejected, UK officials are thought to be pushing for a quota of at least 50 percent in order to agree a deal.

French fishermen are at risk of losing the most from a reduction in quotas, thus sparking threats from officials such as the country’s EU minister, Clement Beaune.

With talks continuing, he insisted France would veto any deal if fishermen are not protected in the trade agreement.

He said: “On fisheries there is no reason to yield to Britain’s pressure.

“We can make some efforts but sacrificing fisheries and fishermen, no.”

UK officials are also attempting to remove a large portion of fish from any trade agreement.

If UK officials do manage to remove pelagic fish from trade talks, it would reduce the EU’s catch by 80 percent.

As well as fisheries, the two sides have also failed to resolve the issue of a level playing field.

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