Brexit news: Boris to hand fishing ‘major funding’ package after EU deal backlash | UK | News (Reports)


According to Cabinet Office minister, Michael Gove, the package will be available in the near future in order to help the industry post-Brexit. Mr Gove also stated the deal will allow the fishing industry to take full advantage of Brexit from 2021 onwards. While many have criticised the deal over the elements relating to fisheries, Mr Gove also claimed the new package will allow the UK to reinvest in fishing communities across the country.

Writing in the Scotsman, Mr Gove said: “Where at present British fishermen are entitled to around half the fish in our waters, in 2026 they will be taking two-thirds of our marine wealth – a sizeable uplift.

“And in the meantime, during the period of transition agreed with the EU for both sides to adjust to the scale of the change, there will be a gradual increase in the amount of fish we are entitled to take.

“We will use the time to invest in the UK fleet and our communities, to make sure they can take full advantage of the riches flowing back to us, and to build a sustainable industry and healthy stocks.

“I am delighted to say that details of a major funding package will be announced in the very near future.”

Under the deal signed by Mr Johnson, EU fleets will be allowed continued access to British waters until 2026.

Within the next five years, their quota share will reduce with the UK ultimately receiving a 25 percent quota return at the end of the period.

The Government had initially wanted a quota return closer to 80 percent during negotiations.

The UK had also wanted a smaller transition period but under the deal, the two sides will conduct annual negotiations on access and catch levels after 2026.

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“Boris Johnson promised us the rights to all the fish that swim in our exclusive economic zone and we have got a fraction of that.

“We are absolutely worse off.

“When we were within the EU, we used to trade fish with the EU.

“We used to swap things we didn’t use with fish that they didn’t use, and that enabled us to put together an annual fishing plan.

“What we have got now is a fraction of what we were promised through Brexit.

“We are going to really, really struggle this year.”

The Brexit deal will be voted on tomorrow and is expected to pass.

The European Research Group is currently analysing the text and will soon announce its position.

Despite the criticism of the deal, it is though backbench Tory MPs will support it.


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