Brexit news: DOZENS of policy areas to feature in ‘NO DEAL’ Brexit preparation papers | Politics | News – UK



The reports, acquired by BuzzFeed News, will cover issues including aviation security, batch testing of medicines, and work place rights.

The list has been compiled from Government departments across Whitehall, and will outline the wide-ranging impacts of Brexit on all areas of British life.

A spokesman from the Department for Exiting the EU (DExEU) commented on the leaks, stating: “We don’t comment on leaks or speculation.

“However, as we’ve already made clear, individual departments are preparing specific technical notices to help citizens, businesses and consumers to prepare for March 2019 in the unlikely event of a no-deal scenario.

“This is part of our preparatory work that has been underway for the past two years.”

It was revealed in July that Theresa May was also preparing to publish over 70 technical notifications for businesses and individuals, outlining how they could prepare for the UK departing the EU without a final trade arrangement.

Mrs May commented on the notifications to the Commons Liaison Committee in July, stating: “The Secretary of State for Exiting the EU will be setting out today that over August and September we’re going to be releasing a number of technical notifications to set out what citizens and business need to do in the event of a ‘no-deal’ scenario, making more public awareness of the preparations.

“We imagine there are going to be around 70 of those notices.”

The DExEU spokesperson confirmed these technical notices will be published in August and September.

Some of reports set to be published, as outlined in the leaked files, will cover wide-ranging issues including common travel area, customs and borders, data and climate.

Other reports will focus on highly specific policy areas, including pet travel, fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances, and blood safety.

Politicians and political commentators have raised concerns over the increasing possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit outcome.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt stated there was “no guarantee” of securing a final Brexit deal with the EU following a meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister in Vantaa, Finland on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters, he said: “Everyone needs to prepare for the possibility of a chaotic ‘no-deal’ Brexit.

“I think the risk of a ‘no deal’ Brexit has been increasing recently, and there is absolutely no guarantee that we will get a deal.

“But it’s not what anyone wants and I hope very much that we’ll find a way to avoid that.”

Mr Hunt stated the British Government was doing everything possible to avoid a ‘no deal’ Brexit, and called on the European Commission to change their approach to the ongoing negotiations.

Reports to be published according to Buzzfeed:

Air services
Animal breeding
Aviation safety
Aviation security
Batch testing of medicine
Blood safety
Chemicals regulation
Civil judicial cooperation
Civil nuclear
Commercial road haulage
Common Travel Area
Company law
Consumer protection
Cross-border gas trading
Customs and borders
Driver licensing
e-Commerce and geo-blocking
Electricity trading
Environmental standards
Equine movements
EU citizens in the UK
EU programmes and structural funds
EU space programmes
European regional development fund
European social fund
Export control regulation
Financial services
Fisheries, fish and seafood
Fluorinated gases and Ozone depleting substances
Food labelling
Genetically modified organisms
Geographical indicators
Health and identification marks for products of animal origin
Horizon 2020
Imports of food and feed
Intellectual property
Life sciences
Live animals and animal products
Maritime security
Motor insurance
New car and van CO2 emissions
Nuclear research
Objects of cultural interest
Oil and gas
Organic food production
Organs, tissue, and cells
Payments to farmers
Pesticides regulations
Pet travel
Plants and seeds
Product regulation
Registration of veterinary medicines
Renewable electricity issues
Rural Development Programme for England
Seafarer certification
State aid
Timber trade
Trade agreements continuity
Trade in endangered species
Trade remedies
Trans-European energy infrastructure
UK citizens in the EU
UK LIFE projects
UK trade tariff
Upholding industrial emissions
Vehicle standards
Veterinary medicine products
Workplace rights


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