Brexit news: EU exit YouTube star Mahyar Tousi reveals moment he expected leave win | UK | News (Reports)


The claim was made by Mahyar Tousi, one of Britain’s leading political YouTubers who has more than 210,000 subscribers on the social media platform. Videos made by the conservative and Brexit supporter have been viewed more than 67 million times.

Speaking to Mr Tousi described the moment he became convinced the Brexit campaign would win.

He said: “I did experience a couple of really vicious moments where the last day of the campaign I was in central London, because I was mainly campaigning in east London, but I went to Embankment and I bumped into a group of Conservatives In, the Remainers from the Tory party.

“It was funny because there were a couple of stations: Fulham Broadway, South Kensington and Embankment, every single time you had remainers outside.

“I mean why are you campaigning in your heartland with your posh champaign socialist spoiled middle-class kids?

“And that was the problem they had. I bumped into me and they said “this is the last few hours of your political career and life”.

“It was really vicious. And at that moment because I was really in the middle of the London bubble for a second I thought we’re going to lose.

“Then I went back to Essex and realised there is such a thing as outside of London. London is not the UK.”

A majority of the London population voted to remain in the EU, the only English region to record this result.

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He said: ““Logically speaking I was never going to be able to see a scenario where Brexit wasn’t happening because the consequences would have been chaotic.

“The reputation of the country on the international stage – nobody would take us seriously anymore.

“I was one of the few who using my channel on YouTube tried to keep everybody sane and spread some positivity because everybody was so angry and impatient.

“The SNP and the remainers have a lot of the media behind them.”

Boris Johnson announced he had agreed a new trade deal with the EU on Christmas Eve.

This replaced the Brexit transition period which ran until 23:00 on December 31.

Under the terms of the agreement the UK has tariff free access to EU markets for goods and doesn’t have to continue paying into the Brussels budget.

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