Brexit news: John Redwood shames EU website for omitting UK from trade deal list | UK | News (Reports)


Mr Redwood, Conservative MP for Wokingham, claimed the EU is finding it “difficult to adjust” in a blog post issued to his website. He also referred to January 1 as ‘Independence Day’ for the UK in a tweet on Friday.

In his blog post, Mr Redwood observed the EU’s website “has no record of the EU/UK trade agreement under trade deals”.

Under its ‘negotiations and agreements’ section the site indeed appears to omit the UK from its list of countries.

This section of the website lists all of the countries with which the EU has, or is negotiating, an agreement of any kind.

The four sections are ‘Agreements in place’; ‘Agreements being adopted or ratified’; ‘Agreements being negotiated’; and ‘Agreements on hold’.

The United Kingdom does not appear on any of the lists, despite both sides agreeing to a trade deal and it being signed into law late last year.

It is not clear why the EU has not yet updated this particular section of the site, though it may be an administration delay.

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“Surely they should put up the EU/UK Agreement subject to ratification, as I understand that is what they intend to do.

“Alternatively, if they do not think they will be ratifying it they should put up the WTO terms to alert people to that.”

However, the website does include a copy of the trade deal on the ‘documents and publications’ section.

Meanwhile, the City of London is still due to agree its own trade deal with the European Union due to it being a financial services hub.

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the Brexit deal agreed on Christmas Eve “perhaps does not go as far as we would like” regarding the UK’s financial services sector.

It means officials in the EU have consider the UK’s finance sector separately when working out whether there is a ‘level playing field’ – or a fair business environment.

British bankers and regulators are now hoping a City trade deal will put a separate agreement in place specifically for finance amid concerns the sector could being leaking over to the EU.

The finance industry employs over a million people in the UK and provides over a tenth of its tax revenue, Bloomberg reports.


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