Brexit news: LBC Iain Dale says UK will NEVER vote again after Chequers Soft Brexit plan | Politics | News – UK



Appearing on the late night political show, the LCB broadcaster, described as “always the most keen Brexiteer” by BBC presenter Evan Davis, heavily criticised the 12-point plan which sets out Britain’s future relationship with Brussels.

Mr Dale said: “This is Brexit in name only, isn’t it.

“I’ve obviously looked on Twitter tonight and seen the reaction of a lot of Tories, ordinary tory party members and that loud sound you hear in the background is them ripping their membership cards up.

“They aren’t impressed by this.”

The political commentator continued by saying he did not see the outcome happening and explained all the ministers siding with Theresa May really shocked him.

He then joked: “But let’s see, they could all be getting their ministerial card home and then resigning in the morning.”

When asked by presenter Evan Davis where the public will land on the Soft Brexit plan, he immediately responded: “I will tell you what the public think because I speak to them for three hours every day on the radio.

“A lot of them are saying that if Theresa May does not go through with a realistic Brexit, not a Brexit in name only, many of us will not only never vote Conservative again.

“We will never vote again.

“And this is the problem.

“Many of them are going to feel betrayed by this.”

The joint statement signed at Chequers by the Prime Minister and all her Cabinet ministers yesterday put forward a plan for an “economic and security partnership” with the European Union.

The plan, a close regulatory alignment with the bitter bloc’s single market for British exports, is a firm push towards a Brexit end-state that looks very much like Norway.

However, Mr Dale also claimed the blueprint will be rejected, likely resulting in a no-deal Brexit.

He told Mr Davis: “The European reaction to the blueprint is going to be fascinating.

“What I predicted is that they will welcome it now and when the White Paper comes they will say ‘we can’t to this’, ‘we can’t do that’.

“It’s postponing the inevitable.”



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