Brexit news: Norwegian politician hails Brexit deal and calls for reset of Norway-EU terms | UK | News (Reports)


Marit Arnstad, a member of the Scandinavian country’s Centre Party, said the UK has “taken back authority” in terms of national policy. She suggested that Norway should now begin to look at “alternatives” to the European Economic Area itself.

Norway is not a member of the European Union, but some analysts say it has one of the closest relationships with the bloc of any non-member country.

In 1994, the nation agreed to follow multiple EU rules and pay fees for access to the EU’s single market.

Ms Arnstad’s Center Party has since been pushing for a reset of the country’s trading relationship with Europe.

Yesterday, speaking with Norway’s Klassekampen news outlet, the Eurosceptic party member said Brexit had shown it is possible for Norway to “organise trade in a different way than the EEA agreement does”.

She added, translated from Norwegian: “They get access to the internal market and the common trade that is desirable, but they do not have to be part of a dynamic regulatory development that places strong ties on the individual countries’ national policies.”

Her sentiment was backed by a senior member of the country’s Socialist Left Party, Heming Olaussen, who heads up the party’s EEA committee.

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Any moves to push for a reform of Norway’s trading relationship with the bloc could be met with opposition from the country’s Labour and Conservative parties, both of which are pro-EU, according to national news outlet The Local.

Erna Solberg, Norway’s Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party there, hailed the Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU, stating it would “provide greater predictability for everyone, including Norway”.

However, Ms Solberg has previously warned against Norway attempting to re-negotiate its own terms and pointed to the difficulties British officials had in cementing a deal.

She said in a news conference earlier this month, before the Brexit deal was announced: “We are going to see even more clearly how complicated it is to leave the European economic community.

“Parties who say it is defensible to leave the European single market because we can negotiate a new, better deal should look at the terms.”

At the same time, Norway’s Centre Party is gaining influence and has been referred to be Reuters as “the biggest political force” in the country.

Ms Solberg is due to face an election in September next year.

Meanwhile British MPs are due to vote on the UK’s Brexit deal in a crucial vote on Wednesday that many expect will see it ratified.

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