Brexit news: US trade deal warning as insider warns of ‘rough years ahead’ with Joe Biden | UK | News (Reports)


Despite the Prime Minister welcoming the new President as a “step forward” for the US, an aide of a previous administration warned a trade deal does not bear the same importance for Mr Biden as it did for Donald Trump. The former aide, who spoke anonymously, warned Joe Biden’s time working under Barack Obama – who claimed the UK would be at the back of a queue following Brexit – could make things difficult for Mr Johnson. She said: “The US relationship doesn’t bear the same weight or importance now as it did under President Trump.

“While Trump continually emphasized the ‘special relationship’ between our two nations, the Biden team is full of self-professed globalists of the Obama era mindset – ‘back of the queue for the UK’ – front of the queue for the EU.

“I see no reason why they will divert from what they have said in the near future.

“I wish I could be the bearer of better news. I fear a few rough years are ahead for us diplomatically.”

A trade deal with the US remains a huge goal for the UK now it’s free from the EU.

With Mr Trump at the helm in Washington, there had been hopes the UK may be able to strike a bumper trade deal with the US but that now seems unclear with a new democrat President.

Not only did Mr Biden serve under an administration which was against Brexit, but he himself expressed his desire for the UK to have voted to remain in the EU.

Prior to his inauguration, Mr Biden had also expressed his concern over the peace process in Ireland following the creation of the UK Internal Market Bill.

The bill, which has now been altered, threatened to create a customs border on the island of Ireland which forced the new President to issue a warning to Westminster over any trade deal.

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The President signed several executive orders in order to reverse some of his predecessor’s legislation on the matters.

He said: “Some of the executive actions I’m going to be signing today are going to help change the course of the COVID crisis, we’re going to combat climate change in a way that we haven’t done so far and advance racial equity and support other underserved communities.”

The UK may try to encourage the US to the negotiating table by hosting the UN climate change summit this year, which may chime with Mr Biden’s policies after the President rejoined the Paris climate accord.

Indeed, former US deputy ambassador to the UK Lewis Lukens said: “I think there’s a great opportunity for the UK and the US to work together on shared interests.”

The UK had hoped to agree a deal with the US before April in order to qualify for America’s Fast Track Authority.

This expires in July and allows for a trade deal to be passed through Congress without lawmakers being allowed to make major amendments.

Trade Secretary Liz Truss did hope to sign a series of mini-trade deals before the turn of the year in order to try and stimulate talks ahead of April, this ambition was not met, however. 


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