British Embassy Q&A events in Austria

Published 5 October 2018

Last updated 24 November 2020
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  1. Added details of an online Q&A on 26 November 2020

  2. Added spreadsheet of questions and answers from online Q&A in July 2020.

  3. Added details of an online Q&A run by the British Embassy Vienna on Monday 6 July 2020.

  4. Due to the Brexit extension, the previously scheduled events in Klagenfurt (11 Nov) and Linz (13 Nov) have been postponed until further notice.

  5. Added links to event registration pages. Registration will open at midday a fortnight before each event, but you can sign up now using the links to receive a reminder email an hour before registration opens. Once registration opens, it will be available using the same links.

  6. Added details of new events in Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt and Linz in October/November 2019.

  7. Added videos of presentations from earlier Q&A events.

  8. Added link to Austrian Federal Chancellery Brexit website

  9. Added registration link for Vienna event

  10. Added location and registration link for Q&A event in Linz on Thursday 14 February 2019

  11. Updated venue of Burgenland Q&A event to Eisenstadt and added a registration link.

  12. Added registration links to events in St Pölten, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Bregenz

  13. Added provisional details of Brexit Q&A events in Graz, St. Pölten, Vienna, Linz, Innsbruck, Bregenz, Klagenfurt and Mattersburg

  14. Added new event in Salzburg on Sunday 3 February 2019

  15. Removed past Vienna event, added new date in January 2019

  16. Added information for LInz event.

  17. Listed past events and updated Salzburg event, which is now full.

  18. Updated info on Vienna outreach event.

  19. Added details of Vienna event

  20. Added time and location for event in Salzburg.

  21. New event dates added in Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna.

  22. First published.

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