Call for calm: Supermarkets are urging shoppers not to binge buy amid lockdown fears | UK | News (Reports)


Supermarket shelves were emptied before

Supermarket shelves were emptied before (Image: PA)

Consumers stripped store shelves in March of lavatory paper, flour, eggs and other staples, leaving many vulnerable and elderly people unable to get essential supplies. And yesterday, there were signs that worried consumers are about to do exactly the same again. But Andrew Opie, of the British Retail Consortium, urged shoppers to buy only the food they need. He said: “Retailers have done an excellent job in ensuring customers have access to the food and necessities throughout this pandemic.

“Supermarkets have put in place a range of safety measures to protect staff and customers. In the event of future lockdowns, we urge consumers to be considerate and shop for food as they would usually.”

Martyn James, a consumer expert at complaints resolution firm Resolver, said: “As long as everyone stays calm, there will be enough to go around.

“What we don’t need is people rushing out and block-booking – making it incredibly hard for people who need slots to get them.”

He added that his service has seen a 20 percent uptick in complaints about online delivery, a sign that slots could be in short supply.

Mr James said: “It does suggest that people are nervous about another lockdown and stocking up on supplies.

“Last time, it was the oldest and most vulnerable people who need delivery slots the most who couldn’t get them.

“It is in the interests of supermarkets to make sure that the maximum number of people can get the goods and services they need.”

Four big name supermarkets in east London at the weekend experienced a large demand from customers with many items running low.

Shelves of baby wipes were completely cleared at Asda in Stepney Green, while cheap eggs, kitchen towels and small bags of pasta had nearly gone in Sainsbury’s in Whitechapel.

One man was seen buying five loads of 16 rolls of Andrex loo roll and four 5kg bags of fragrant rice at the Asda.

The man, who did not want to be identified, said: “I’m not panic buying, I’m preparing. I’m an old man, I can’t be going to the shops every day.

“I couldn’t get a delivery slot so I’ve had to come down and buy these things myself.”

A mum called Nadia, with her young daughter, at Sainsbury’s was seen buying six large bags of basmati rice.

She said: “I just feel better about knowing my family has enough to eat.

“I don’t think there will be a problem, really, but it just calms my nerves knowing it’s in the cupboards.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed the UK is in the grip of a second wave of COVID-19.

News of a second lockdown as the nation attempts to control the pandemic may be imminent.

To find out the rates of coronavirus in your area, please fill in your postcode below.

Consumer expert Harry Wallop said: “Supermarkets and shoppers know which way the wind is blowing and they have learned the lessons from the first time around. That’s why they are booking online slots early because it’s clear supply will outstrip demand.”

Supermarkets dramatically boosted their delivery capacity during the last lockdown, as online grew from around seven per cent of the market to around 14 percent.

Retailers, including Tesco and Sainsbury’s, more than doubled capacity with Tesco recruiting 20,000 temporary staff.

Online orders boomed to nearly 1½ million customers a week online, up from around 600,000 at the start of the outbreak.

Asda advertised for 5,000 new workers and Lidl some 2,500 roles.

Supermarket staffers all tried to deter a shopping frenzy.

A Tesco Metro worker in Bethnal Green said: “No one needs to worry about panic buying. This store is never going to close.

“Come early enough, and you’ll find what you need. We restock everyday.”

A spokesman for Waitrose said: “We haven’t seen a significant change in buying patterns but we have a number of safety measures in place and we’ll take whatever action is necessary for the health and safety of customers.”

A Sainsbury’s spokesman said: “We have significantly increased the number of slots on our website and can now serve twice as many people as we could six months ago.”

Ocado and Asda both said that customers should be able to get a delivery slot in the next few days.


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