Can I leave a Tier 2 area? | UK | News (Reports)


In a Downing Street press conference, Prime Minister Johnson today said he wanted to avoid another national lockdown “if at all possible” although added he “cannot rule anything out”. Instead, the Government is pressing ahead with Mr Johnson’s new three-tier restrictions which are being rolled out across the UK. The rules about where is on lockdown and what those restrictions are has been confusing – and the new tiers are aimed at reducing this chaos.

So now, there are just three tiers of lockdown – Tier 1 being the softest, and for areas known as medium risk in England.

Under Tier 1, people are allowed to go on holiday to other areas and stay overnight.

The Rule of Six applies, but under this level people can stay in a hotel or similar with another household, although they should avoid sharing rooms with people they do not live with.

There are no restrictions on how far you are allowed to travel for a holiday for those living in Tier 1.

Can I leave a Tier 3 area?

Those living in an area under Tier 3 restrictions are asked not to leave the area.

This means there is a ban on going to stay in a second home, along with measures preventing people from a Tier 3 area from staying with anyone they do not live with elsewhere in the UK.

People are advised to avoid travelling outside of their area, except for work, education or caring responsibilities.

The Government advises you should avoid travelling to any region subject to Tier 3 restrictions.

But you can continue to travel into these “very high” alert level areas for work purposes, if you come from outside the Tier 3 area.

Anyone elsewhere in the UK is advised to avoid staying overnight in Tier 3 areas.

You will not be allowed to visit Wales if you come from areas in England in Tier 2 and 3, along with the central belt of Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

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