Change of UK Permanent Representative to the WTO, UN and other International Organisations in Geneva: Simon Manley


Mr Simon Manley CMG has been appointed the United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization, United Nations and other International Organisations based in Geneva, in succession to Mr Julian Braithwaite CMG who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Manley will take up his appointment during Spring 2021.

Curriculum Vitae

Full name: Simon John Manley

Married to: Maria Isabel Fernandez Utges Manley

Children: Three Daughters

2020 FCO/FCDO, Director General, COVID-19
2013 to 2019 Spain and Andorra, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2011 to 2013 FCO, Director Europe
2007 to 2011 FCO, Director Defence and Strategic Threats
2006 to 2007 FCO, Head, Counter-Terrorism Policy Department
2003 to 2006 FCO, Head, EU Economic, Ireland and Central Europe Team
2002 to 2003 FCO, Deputy Head, EU (Internal) Department
1998 to 2002 Seconded to the EU Council Secretariat’s Asia Unit
1993 to 1998 New York, Second, later First Secretary (Political), UK Mission to the United Nations
1993 Seconded to DG Competition, European Commission
1990 to 1993 FCO, United Nations Department
1990 Joined FCO

Published 16 December 2020

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