CMA letter to Hanson UK on breaches of the Cement Market Data Order


Letter to Hanson UK about 3 breaches of the Cement Market Data Order 2016: data disclosed which could have been a proxy for Individual Cement Market Data.

The CMA wrote to Hanson UK regarding 3 breaches of Article 3.2 of the Order. Hanson made a payment in error to a trade association which involved 3 pieces of information being disclosed:

  • a payment relating to subscription fees
  • remittance advice related to the above payment
  • an invoice related to the above payment

It is the CMA’s view that each of these pieces of information falls within the definition specified in the Order as being Individual Cement Market Data, as it is possible to ascertain cement volume data from such information. Article 3.2 of the Order prohibits cement producers such as Hanson from disclosing Individual Cement Market Data except in specified circumstances.

This letter sets out the action Hanson UK is taking to prevent a recurrence.

See the aggregates, cement and ready-mix concrete market investigation page for information on the Cement Market Data Order.

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