Coronavirus SNUB: Chinese man says UK can’t contain COVID-19 for one embarrassing reason | UK | News (Reports)


Xi Liu claims Chinese people abiding by the lockdown restrictions helped the country overcome the health crisis. He spent 141 days self-isolating in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged.

Prior to his trip to China in January, Mr Xi had been living in London for the last seven years.

His wife, who stayed in the UK while he was away, was only able to see him again last July.

Mr Xi told the PA news agency how he noticed a difference between China and the UK when it comes to their respective citizens’ attitude towards restrictions.

He said: “In China if there is a rule, we follow the rule.

“If we see somebody not following the rules, we don’t need to punish them, we need to make sure they are aware of their violations against the rules.

“Most of the Chinese people, in particular the younger generation, they have had more than 15 years of obligatory education.

“So most of the younger generation, they believe in the science.

“They just follow whatever the scientists say.”

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He confessed that he too failed to follow some restrictions during lockdown.

Mr Xi also warned there will be consecutive lockdowns next and next winter if people continue to counter the use of masks and the prospect of taking a vaccine.

However, he said he understood those who believe lockdown measures affect their freedom.

He said: “But freedom is only a relative word for me.

“We do ask for freedom, but our freedom does not get in the way of other’s freedom.

“If we do that, we are kind of stealing two months of freedom, by going out to the bar with friends.

“If there is no one left, there are no human rights.”

His claims come after more than 18 million people travelled to Wuhan for China’s Golden Week at the start of October.

Despite the increment in population numbers, the city has not reported another large wave of coronavirus infection.

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