Coronavirus UK: Claims of unfair regional coronavirus lockdowns DISMISSED by readers | UK | News (Reports)


With coronavirus cases surging, many parts of the north of England have entered Tier 3 lockdown. In Tier 3 conditions, households in affected areas are not allowed to mix indoors. Also, pubs and bars must close unless they can operate as restaurants.

The UK has been fragmented in its tier system of coronavirus restrictions.

Many parts of the north of England have been placed in much stricter conditions than the rest of the country.

The number of people in Tier 3 lockdown in the north of England is approximately 11 million. readers were asked if the North of England has been treated unfairly with coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

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“Wherever the infection rates rise, the same tier system will be used.

“If certain groups of people abided by the rules, then they wouldn’t be in the situation they are now.”

Another reader said: “Wear a mask, maintain social distancing, maintain good personal hygiene, stop travelling and taking holidays and the infection rate will soon drop.

“Not hard really is it but it is for a large number of childish selfish people who couldn’t care less about anyone but themselves.”

Another claimed: “Boris needs to keep the north alive, as the economic recovery will start in the north.”


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