COVID-19 testing for HGV drivers using the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel


Do not travel to Kent

HGV drivers should not travel to Kent until further notice.

There are major delays and disruption at the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel.

We will let you know as soon as the situation changes.

Where to get your COVID-test

COVID-19 testing has started for HGV drivers already in Kent.

If you are already heading to the Port of Dover, you must go to Manston at this postcode: CT12 5FE. There are welfare facilities at this location.

If you are already heading to Eurotunnel you must go to Junction 8 of the M20 and join the queue there.

To leave England you must undertake a rapid-COVID test. This is mandated by the UK and French governments.

Failure to comply will lead to you being turned away from all ports.

COVID testing is not available at any medical facility in the Kent area. If you visit a medical facility you will be turned away.

You must not leave your vehicle to try and be tested at another site.

At Manston and Junction 8 of the M20

At the test sites you must be with, and remain in, your vehicles (unless requested to leave your vehicle by a member of Kent Police or medical staff). Please adhere to social distancing.

Once tested, it will take 40 minutes to get a result.

If your result is negative, you will be directed to your departure point.

If your result is positive, further information will be provided on site and support will be available.

Food and water will be provided for as long as you are waiting.

We are doing everything we can as quickly as possible to help you continue on your journey.

Thank you for your patience.

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