Crime news: duty rota guidance changes because of COVID-19


New guidance setting out the arrangements because of COVID-19 is available for providers preparing to submit CRM12 applications for slots on the April 2021 rotas.

Applications will need to be made by 11.59pm on 11 January 2021. The police station and court duty rotas will run for the usual 6 months.

The guidance covers both submission arrangements and criminal litigation accreditation.

COVID-19 and CRM12 submissions

CRM12 submissions to add duty solicitors can be made where there is a reasonable expectation engaged requirements for duty solicitors will be met from 1 April. This is subject to the prevailing Public Health England or Public Health Wales guidance.

We understand that some existing duty solicitors are currently unable to meet the engaged requirements because of COVID-19.

However, we do not expect you to remove their names where you reasonably expect they will be able to meet these requirements from 1 April 2020. Again, this is subject to the prevailing public health guidance.

Engaged requirements include 14 hours per week criminal defence work and a minimum number of police station and court attendances during the rota period.

Criminal litigation accreditation

Providers submitting a CRM12 for a new duty solicitor will need to provide a copy of their Criminal Litigation Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) certificate. But we are making exceptional arrangements for new duty solicitors completing their CLAS accreditation in January 2021.

Providers may submit a CRM12 for these duty solicitor candidates for the 11 January 2021 deadline, but will have up to 12 February 2021 to submit the CLAS certificate.

Guidance on the process that will be followed for these applications is set out in the additional guidance document on April 2021 duty rotas. This is published alongside the CRM12 form.

Further information

CRM12: duty solicitor application when moving firm – form

Email to submit CRM12 applications by 11 January 2021

Duty solicitors: rotas, information and guidance – for the standard guidance on CRM12s for April 2021 rotas


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