Defra updates in agri-food and environmental matters


The following updates have been issued from Defra and might be of interest to the Government Chemist alert subscribers.

Updated Digital Food and Drink guide

Defra’s newly updated digital guide covering the key actions food and drink businesses may need to take from 1 January 2021 is available to download, alongside a range of other digital assets.

Other assets include:

Agri-Food guidance and updates

Temporary relaxation of the enforcement of rules on drivers’ hours

The Department for Transport have today published details of a temporary relaxation of the enforcement of EU drivers’ hours rules.

Up to 30,000 workers to help reap 2021 harvest

The number of workers permitted to travel to the UK to pick and package fruit and vegetables will be increased for next year’s harvest, the government announced yesterday (22 December).

Coronavirus response updates

Protocol agreed to reopen French border to UK arrivals

An agreement to reopen the UK-French border to allow accompanied freight services and some passenger services to resume between the two countries has been reached by the UK and French governments yesterday evening (22 December 2020).

The press notice can be found on GOV.UK, along with guidance for operators, drivers and crew of HGVs on crossing an international border safely.

Working safely during coronavirus guidance updates

See the latest updates to the guidance on how to make your workplace COVID-secure.

Advice for clinically extremely vulnerable in new Tier 4 areas

This group is advised to stay at home at all times, unless for exercise or medical appointments, and not to attend work, even if they are unable to work from home. Read the press release and the updated guidance.

Preparing for January 2021

With less than a month to go until the end of the Transition Period Defra are urging all businesses to ensure they are as prepared as possible. Businesses and traders should be aware of the steps they may have to take in order to adhere to new regulations, and to continue to operate without disruption.

Broad guidance for businesses and individuals can be found at
Specific guidance is available for:

Please also watch out for guidance and shareable, sector-themed assets on Defra’s social media channels.

Moving Goods from GB to NI Trader Showcase site

Defra has created a one-stop shop of key information, documents and assets for traders who move live animals, animal products, plants and plant products from GB to NI. Find it here. Please make sure your internet browser is up to date in order to access this link.

The type of information available includes process maps, understanding high risk and low risk consignment documents, information on schemes to support traders, and FAQs

Links to Defra’s recorded webinars on the GB to EU Exporter Journey are now available on YouTube. Please share with anyone who may find this information useful. The topics are:

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