‘Deselect her!’ Labour MP Kate Hoey faces axe after BETRAYING Labour in Commons vote | Politics | News – UK



The Pro-Brexit MP was photographed speaking alongside Labour MP Frank Field to the European Research Group member and recently resigned Brexit minister Steve Baker in the Commons.

Her constituency’s official Twitter account @VauxhallLabour retweeted the photo with six sad face Emojis.

The MP for Vauxhall is one of three Labour MP’s to vote with their Tory opponents on an amendment that only passed by three votes.

Ms Hoey, Frank Field and Graham Stringer voted on an amendment that will ensure the UK is out of the EU’s VAT regime.

Vauxhall Labour’s Twitter bio specifically states it is “Fiercely Pro-Eu” and Ms Hoey’s vote directly contradicts this and defies the Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. 

Many on Twitter were appalled at her actions.

@devecs tweeted: “You know what to do. She’s actively harming her constituents’ interests, supporting the extreme right, and ignoring all the credible evidence which points to a hard Brexit being a disaster of epic proportions. 

“There comes a time when a failure to act becomes complicity.”

@AllanR added: “Why do you support someone who takes money from Aaron Banks, doesn’t represent her voters and is betraying this country to a right wing coup?”

@OldBlokeUK said this is “seriously wrong”.

He tweeted: “How on earth can Hoey be allowed to continue under the @UKLabour banner. There is something seriously wrong in all of this.”

Others called for the be deselected.

@TiggerTheresa tweeted: “WHY. HAVEN’T. YOU. DESELECTED. HER?”

@PaulOnBooks said: “She has to go.”

@cygnetstar16 tweeted: “Why wasn’t she de-selected before the last election? I know it was mooted then – and if there’d been a Labour MP who actually represented & acted on behalf of Vauxhall on Brexit, that could have made a real difference.”

It is unclear if the Labour MPs will back the Tory rebels in tonight’s vote on an amendment to the Trade Bill.

Tory MPs Stephen Hammond and Nicky Morgan put forward a new amendment to the current Trade Bill that would force the Government to stay in the customs union if Brussels cannot be persuaded to allow Britain a free trade area by January 2019.

Express.co.uk has contacted Vauxhall Labour and the national Labour Party offices for a comment.


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