DIO awards new cost price analysis contract


The first Discovery and Design phase of the contract is worth approximately £2-million. The contract if fully taken would have a duration of 9 years and an estimated maximum value of £20-million.

The successful supplier is international property and construction consultancy Gleeds.

This new solution will also provide better delivery of estimated costs and cost intelligence for new build, operation, maintenance and refurbishment work on the Defence estate.

At present DIO goes to the market for information on costs. The new contract will bring this expertise in house. This will be more cost-effective way of gathering this knowledge and will ultimately provide better value for money for the taxpayer.

This change to ways of working will help DIO to provide better forecasts of costs, obtain better performance data from DIO suppliers, improve existing cost estimating abilities and ensure that DIO makes better informed investment decisions.

Nick Wilkinson, DIO Commercial Director, said: “This contract demonstrates how DIO wants to innovate and do things differently.

“This new way of working will ensure that DIO has access to the most comprehensive information and data. This will allow us to be as efficient and effective as possible when procuring suppliers and planning bespoke projects for Defence.”

Ken Munro, Defence Director, Gleeds said, “We are very excited that Gleeds has secured the contract to deliver DIO’s CPAC service. This is exactly the sort of digital future that we and our key supplier PwC have embraced and my team is delighted at the prospect of combining our subject matter expertise with DIO’s deep knowledge of end user requirements to deliver this capability. This is a visionary step that has been taken by DIO and we are really looking forward to working with Nick and his team to realise the significant commercial and financial planning benefits that they have identified.”

Further information:

Press enquiries to Becky Robinson, Communications Officer 07989 303297 or email rebecca.robinson137@mod.gov.uk

  • DIO website: www.gov.uk/dio
  • Twitter: @mod_dio
  • Read DIO’s blog.

About DIO

DIO is part of the Ministry of Defence and is responsible for enabling defence people to live, work, train and deploy at home and overseas.
Our key responsibilities include: planning and delivering major capital projects and refurbishments; providing utilities services and facilities management; allocating Service Families Accommodation; providing a safe place to train; procuring and managing routine maintenance and reactive repairs; advising on infrastructure planning; acting as a steward of the Defence estate and providing an unarmed guarding service.

About Gleeds

Gleeds (www.gleeds.com) is an international property and construction consultancy with over 130 years’ experience in the property and construction industry. With 1900 dedicated staff across six continents and 71 offices, Gleeds prides itself on being a global business that is structured to act and think locally.

Working with clients in almost every sector, Gleeds services the entire project lifecycle and categorises its offering into the following core areas: programme and project management, commercial and contract management, property and asset management and advisory.


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