Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging coronavirus – Tier 5 rules could be announced | UK | News (Reports)


The Essex Resilience Forum (ERF) made the announcement in response to a “significant growing demand” on hospitals across the county. It said the number of coronavirus patients has surpassed the number seeking treatment during the first wave in spring.

The body, which is made up of NHS members, local authorities and emergency services, is seeking additional support from the Government to deal with the crisis.

Anthony McKeever, executive lead for Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership, explained the authority’s response to the pandemic. 

He said: “We are taking every action possible within the NHS and across the wider health and social care partnerships in Essex to limit the impact on the NHS and the wider health system.

“This involves using critical care capacity elsewhere in Essex and the eastern region and identifying additional locations and capacity to assist with the discharging of patients to reduce pressure on hospitals.”

Mr McKeever’s comments come after the Mid and South Essex NHS Trust placed all three of its hospitals on critical alert on Tuesday. 

This is a breaking news story.

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