Foreign Secretary’s 2020 Rosh Hashanah message


Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

I send my warmest wishes to the British Jewish community and to communities around the world for the Jewish New Year and high holidays.

Every year, Rosh Hashanah gives us a chance to reflect on the past 12 months and plan our new path for the year ahead. This year, for many, planning ahead will feel more uncertain as we all continue to adjust and adapt to the coronavirus pandemic.

Yet there are also reasons for hope. My recent visit to Israel, our valued partner, gave me hope that there is a bright future and new dynamic for Israel across the Middle East.

We need to grasp that opportunity with trade, technology, business, and science to expand peace and prosperity in the region.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. Shana Tova and Chatima Tova.

Published 18 September 2020

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