Hundreds step up to help smaller employers Kickstart Britain’s recovery


More than 500 bodies have signed up to serve as gateways on the £2bn programme, providing assistance to employers offering fewer than 30 vacancies under the scheme. Participants will help firms with their applications and deliver the support each young person needs to make a success of their Kickstart role, increasing their chances of securing sustainable employment in future.

A growing list of gateways will ensure that small and medium sized employers wanting to get involved in the scheme will be able to find a suitable gateway provider in their area, and work with them to submit an application.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), representing one in every 15 British employers, equating to 165,000 members, is among the first to sign up.

Work and Pensions Secretary Thérèse Coffey said:

I am delighted that the FSB has signed up to be a National Gateway – their work across the country with small business will give SMEs the confidence and support to offer places through the Kickstart Scheme.

Our Kickstart Scheme was designed with employers of all sizes in mind. It is extremely encouraging to see hundreds of organisations all stepping up to help Britain build back better.

She added:

Our growing list of gateways will make it easier for smaller employers to find their local gateways, who will support their application and help provide wrap-around support for the young people who get onto the scheme.

We are also encouraging more organisations to step forward as gateways to support this national effort and get behind the career ambitions of the next generation.

The FSB National Chairman Mike Cherry said:

Small businesses are embedded in local communities, and disproportionately take on those who face barriers when finding work.  The Kickstart initiative marks a crucial intervention, with young people’s job prospects now hit particularly hard by COVID-19, and small businesses under significant pressure. It will help small firms create thousands of good quality opportunities for young people at risk of long term unemployment. 

We have worked closely with government to make Kickstart accessible for small firms, and look forward to announcing FSB’s own plans as an gateway very shortly, alongside a diversity of good quality local gateway through local authorities, the voluntary sector and others.

About the Kickstart Scheme

Launched earlier this month, Kickstart will create hundreds of thousands of new fully-subsidised roles for young people as part of efforts to ensure a future of opportunity and hope for those starting out in their career and at risk of long term unemployment.

After more than 6,000 employers started an application in the first 24 hours, the Department has had interest from gateways all over the country. This list is a quick way for employers to find the one that suits them – whether that’s by geography or sector, and this list will grow.

This initial list contains over 500 organisations that have put themselves forward to be gateways across England, Scotland and Wales with more applications being reviewed and considered. The Department is encouraging any other organisations looking to be included to get in touch.

The Government will fully fund each Kickstart placement – paying 100% of the age-relevant National Minimum Wage, National Insurance and pension contributions for 25 hours a week.

Employers will be able to top up this wage, while the Government will also pay employers £1,500 to set up support and training for people on a Kickstart placement, as well as helping pay for uniforms and other set up costs.

The jobs will give young people – who are more likely to have been furloughed, with many working in sectors disproportionately hit by the pandemic – the opportunity to build their skills in the workplace and to gain experience to improve their chances of finding long-term work.

Information for employers

As a gateway, you will submit your application online at and will need to provide supporting information about how the job placements are new jobs and how they will develop employability skills of young people. There is more guidance about what you provide here.

You will receive £300 per young person placed in a Kickstart job. This covers the signing of the grant agreement with the Department for Work and Pensions, the payment of the £1,500 start up and wrap-around support, and the passing on of wage payments to employers.

We envisage that many employers may want their gateway to supply some of the wrap-around support, and arrangements can be made between those on what proportion of the support will be provided and the £1,500 divided up in a way that suits both.

Organisations who also want to join this list, can email the Department:

A list of gateways can be found by visiting the ‘Find someone to apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant on your behalf’ page.

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