Insurance obligations in the Pubs code


Continuing the series of What Tied Pubs Tenants Need to Know factsheets, the PCA has produced a new Insurance factsheet for tied pub tenants so that they are aware of their rights under the Pubs Code.

The new factsheet tells tied pub tenants what a pub company must do each time it buys or renews premises insurance that it plans to recharge for, as well as what information and policy details tenants should receive from the pub company.

If a tenant finds a cheaper comparable quote, then the pub company must either buy the alternative policy; or buy its own policy but agree in writing that the tenant will not have to pay the difference in cost.
What is a suitable comparable alternative quote for premises insurance will depend on the circumstances.

Tenants are therefore strongly encouraged to seek independent advice from a regulated professional If a tenant does not think that their pub company has complied with Code, they should raise this with their Code Compliance Officer (CCO) in the first instance.

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Published 18 December 2020

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