Labour Party antisemitism: Jewish campaigners to SUE Labour amid violent threats | Politics | News – UK



Earlier this week, backbench Labour veteran MP Margaret Hodge confronted Jeremy Corbyn, calling him a “f** antisemite and a racist”, just days after the ruling committee changed the party’s approach to anti-Semitism.

She has been extensively trolled following the conversation, and has been called names including “b****” on social media sites.

The party scrapped two elements of the internationally accepted definition for anti-Semitism from their code of conduct.

According to details obtained by the Sunday Times, the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) is planning to submit two complaints about the party.

The first has already been submitted to officials via a dossier detailing some of the online abuse levelled as Ms Hodge following her interaction with the party leader this week.

The files seen by the Sunday Times contain details of remarks made against the MP for Barking.

She was accused of being a “Zionist b****”, “damaging Labour in the interests of Israel,” and labelled a “zionist remedial cancer”.

There were also threats of violence among the posts, with one person claiming Ms Hodge “Just added herself to the hit-list”.

The horrific messages were sent by members of three Facebook groups: We Support Jeremy Corbyn; Supporting Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell; and Jeremy Corbyn – True Socialism.

As well as the dossier complaint, the JLM will also meet on Monday to discuss the possibility of taking Labour to court on the basis of the European Convention of Human Rights, according to the Times investigation.

The group will also consider action under the UK Equality Act, arguing that Labour is flouting the ‘Macpherson principle’.

The Macpherson principle was inducted into Labour’s code in 1999 following the inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence.

The report stated: “A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.”

The JLM consider Labour may be flouting this principle by ignoring the complaints of Jewish members.

Ms Hodge has defended her actions and “expression” of her anger.

She wrote in the Guardian earlier this week: “I chose to confront Jeremy directly and personally to express my anger and outrage.

“I stand by my action as well as my words.”



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