Lockdown news: Boris urged NOT to fast-track end of UK restrictions | UK | News (Reports)


New data from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has found a single dose of the jab provides up to 76 percent protection against symptomatic infections from three weeks until 90 days. The shot has also been found to reduce transmission of coronavirus by 67 percent.

In response to the preliminary findings, Express.co.uk asked its readers if they thought the UK Government should call an end to the third national lockdown.

The poll, carried out from 9.30am-9pm on Febrary 3, asked: “After vaccine boost, should Boris fast-track the end of the UK lockdown?”

The majority of the 2,197 respondents voted “no”, with 59 percent (1,224 people).

Forty percent (948 people) said “yes”, while one percent (25 people) opted for “don’t know”.

Readers then took to the comments to explain why they were opposed ending lockdown early.

One person said: “Slow and steady, based on results, not a desire for popularity.

“The vaccine is bringing safety every day as we keep guard and stop the spread.

“Do not bow to the ignorant Boris.

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Another reader said: “Those calling for early end of lockdown fail to understand that:

“1) not all vulnerable people have yet been vaccinated;

“2) most of those who have had their 1st jab are still waiting for their second;

“3) the vaccination does not have immediate effect, it takes time for the immune system to adapt.

“We have already seen on more than one occasion what happens when restrictions are lifted too early.”

Another user added: “I don’t think lockdown should be fast-tracked.

“It should gradually lifted as conditions permit.

“To slow or to fast will be bad for everything and everybody.”

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