Lockdown review: When will Boris Johnson outline end of lockdown roadmap? | UK | News (Reports)

Covid: Boris Johnson confirms ‘June 21 Freedom Day’ will be delayed by up to four weeks
Covid: Boris Johnson confirms ‘June 21 Freedom Day’ will be delayed by up to four weeks

In a video posted on Twitter on Friday, Mr Johnson reiterated his promise to announce a “steady programme for beginning to unlock” in just over two weeks’ time.

However Mr Johnson warned it was “still early days”, and he urged the public to continue following the lockdown rules.

He said: “I want to stress that it is still early days and we have rates of infection in this country (that are) still very, very high and (have) more people – almost twice as many people – in our hospitals with Covid now than there were back at the peak in April.”

Covid cases are still significantly high in the UK, and on Friday the UK reported 19,114 new cases of COVID-19, along with 1,014 deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

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