Lockdown ‘roadmap’ saw SAGE warn Boris extra 91,000 DEAD if rules lifted before Easter | UK | News (Reports)

Difficult call awaits Prime Minister Boris Johnson over June 21 unlocking, says expert
Difficult call awaits Prime Minister Boris Johnson over June 21 unlocking, says expert

Another scenario, drawn up earlier this month, would have seen the full reopening of hospitality sectors in either April or May, as well as indoor household mixing being permitted.

Imperial College London scientists said the shorter timetable could have led to an extra 55,000 deaths.

In addition, they warned reopening schools could the rate of infection, or R rate, rise by as much as 0.5.

A Number 10 source told the Telegraph the SAGE models were never official Government policy, dismissing the shorter timetables.

They added: “Five different scenarios were modelled, and there was never a preferred outcome.”

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