M25 traffic latest: Van erupts in huge fireball – emergency service rush to motorway | UK | News (Reports)


Highways England said: “Due to a vehicle fire that has destroyed the road surface in ALL lanes on the M25 clockwise J5 to 6 we are having to close the M25 from J5 and also the M26 leading onto the M25.”

The fire has now been put out but the inferno has caused damage to all lanes of the carriageway, which require urgent repairs.

There are currently 60 minute delays to journeys, with congestion reaching back towards the M26 J2a.

Motorists have been advised to follow diversions. 

Kent Police and Highways England Traffic Officers are trying to get vehicles moving again as quickly as possible.

Traffic stuck within the road closure is being turned around from the back of the queue. 

Highways England have urged passengers to stay in their vehicles and await further instructions. 

More to follow…

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