Macron blasted as ‘unstatesmanlike’ after branding Brexit voters LIARS | Politics | News – UK



Speaking to BBC’s Politics Live, Mr Raab argued the French President’s outburst didn’t make justice to the position Mr Macron retains.

Referring to the comments made by the Parisian on those who campaigned to leave the European Union in the run-up to the EU referendum, Mr Raab said: “Is not in my view the stuff of statesmanship.” 

The Brexit Secretary’s attack comes after the French President’s shocking declaration at yesterday’s Salzburg summit.

Speaking to the press at the end of the disastrous talks, Mr Macron said Brexit is “the choice of the British people, a choice pushed by those who predicted easy solutions. 

“They are liars, they left the next day so they didn’t have to manage it.” 

But Mr Macron’s bitter remarks didn’t interest only prominent members of the Vote Leave campaign. 

The French President also branded Theresa May’s Chequers plan “not acceptable”. 

He said: “It was a good and brave step by the prime minister.

“But we all agreed on this today, the proposals in their current state are not acceptable, especially on the economic side of it. 

“The Chequers plan cannot be take it or leave it.”

Mr Macron also said Brexit shows “it’s not so easy to leave the EU, it’s not without a cost, it’s not without consequences.

“[EU chief negotiator] Michel Barnier has presented us many details in a very convincing way on how the [Irish] backstop is going to work, respecting citizens and companies while protecting borders and the integrity of the single market.” 

But Mr Raab strongly disagreed also with this stance, arguing EU leaders “ambushed” the prime minister, trashing her Chequers plan without giving an explanation or providing a counter proposal.  




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