Manchester lockdown: Nick Ferrari blasts Andy Burnham’s ‘PAY OFF’ demands in fiery rant | UK | News (Reports)


LBC host Nick Ferrari argued Liverpool was willing to implement more coronavirus measures following instruction from the Government. While speaking to Labour Councillor Dr Zahid Chauhan, Mr Ferrari questioned why Boris Johnson needed to give more money to Manchester to achieve the same result. Dr Chauhan attempted to defend Manchester mayor Andrew Burnham by arguing that people were already suffering under the current coronavirus restrictions and more money was needed to protect people’s overall health if new measures were brought it.

Dr Chauhan said: “A question of do you think it is worth spending money to preserve people’s lives and well being.”

Mr Ferrari replied: “Yes, but Liverpool as a city was ready and prepared to take the measures without an additional sum of money.

“Why do we have to effectively pay off Manchester?”

Dr Chauhan admitted he could not compare Liverpool and Manchester or how they came to their decisions in the talks with the Government.

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He replied: “What I know is that across all of Manchester, people are already suffering.

“That is because of our inconsistent messages and poor policies.

“When we talk about poor policies I mean like today we are trying to shut the restaurants.

“Yesterday we were paying people to get into the restaurants so either that policy was wrong or this one is wrong.”

“Tier 3 is a serious thing and development if you are asking people to close large places of work before Christmas.

“People can’t just be pressurised into it and I am not just going to be pressured into it.

“I am not going to roll over at the sight of a cheque.

“This is about properly supporting the people who lives will be properly damaged by Tier 3.” 

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