New guidance published to support commercial fishers, merchants and exporters from 1 January 2021


From 1 January 2021, the UK will have sole responsibility for the future of our seas and fishing industry and we need to be ready for change.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is supporting businesses to prepare now by producing a series of guides to signpost the steps commercial fishers and seafood exporters may need to take to continue trading.

Our ‘one stop shop’ guide for commercial fishers, merchants and exporters covers the administrative side of the fishing industry – signposting to business requirements needed such as for fishing, landing, exporting, importing, transportation, food hygiene and regulatory controls.

There is also a handy step by step guide to exporting fish and seafood products to the EU, and a checklist for fishers intending to landing their catch directly into the EU.

Some processes will stay the same, such as UK registered vessels landing fish in UK ports, and the regulations that are in place to deter and prevent illegal fishing will not change. Our guides will be updated with the latest information over the coming weeks.

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