New trade barriers service launched to help British businesses export internationally


The ‘Check for barriers to trading and investing abroad’ digital service will allow users to search for information on trade barriers imposed by other countries, which could restrict businesses in trading and investing there.

Whilst not all barriers are necessarily resolvable, businesses will be able to see where barriers have been removed and the new service will highlight potential areas of growth and opportunity for their products or services.

This service is the latest tool made available by DIT in supporting British businesses with market access issues. It sits alongside the existing ‘Report a trade barrier’ and ‘Check how to export goods’ as a suite of services. It has been specifically created to help make it easier for British businesses to seize new opportunities.

Tackling trade barriers is one of the Department’s key priorities. It is integral to Britain’s independent trade policy and could add billions into the British economy through increased trade flows.

“I have spent much of the past year speaking to British businesses of all sizes – hearing of their determination to bounce back bigger, better and bolder out of COVID-19.

“This new service will help businesses across Britain to identify potential new markets and seize the new opportunities that come with becoming an independent trading nation, boosting jobs and growth in every corner of the country.

“I am committed to doubling down on tackling trade barriers, so that we can add to the 175 barriers across 61 countries we have already removed and make it easier for our great British businesses to trade globally.”

The new database will be regularly updated to reflect the latest information on trade barriers.

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