Piers Morgan sends Nigel Farage picture ‘for his files’ after explosive GMB clash | UK | News (Reports)


The ITV host took to Twitter after the outspoken pair clashed on Good Morning Britain today as the host challenged Mr Farage about the US President’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mr Morgan was referring to President Trump’s suggestion in April where he questioned whether research should take place into injecting patients with “disinfectant” and whether placing them beneath UV lighting may help treat coronavirus, an idea which was dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

This led to Mr Farage hitting back with claims the interviewer was spreading “fake news” which Mr Morgan countered and backed up with the tweet.

In his tweet, Mr Morgan appeared to strengthen his argument as he posted an image of President Trump facing a board detailing coronavirus advice, with reference to bleach as a “disinfectant”.

It read: “Commonly available disinfectants (Bleach and Isoprop Alcohol) work to kill the virus”.

The tweet has been liked, retweeted and commented on more than 7,000 times.

During today’s US election coverage on ITV, Mr Morgan told Mr Farage: “I’m sorry but his handling of this pandemic has been an utter disaster.

“I said this to him the other day and it’s one of the reasons we had a little falling out.

“His whole strategy of taking this so lightly, not dealing with it properly, has led to America having 220,000 deaths – the worst record by far of anywhere in the world.

“His nonsensical cure theories like bleach and so on… All of that to me was woefully irresponsible.”

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“Do you know what bleach is, Nigel?”

Mr Farage, who is planning to relaunch his Brexit Party as an anti-lockdown party called Reform UK, replied: “Grow up, stop being fake news. He never said bleach. Utter, utter rubbish.

“You are sinking to the gutter by talking about bleach, you know you are. It’s just rubbish.”

Mr Morgan replied once again: “Disinfectant is bleach, you know that don’t you?”

He then asked for the clip of what President Trump had previously said to be played on the show.

The clip Mr Morgan referred to was of President Trump speaking in April earlier this year and asking Department of Homeland Security official William Bryan: “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and – is there a way we can do something like that?

“By injection inside or almost a cleaning. As you can see, it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.”

The remarks from Mr Trump sparked a huge backlash.

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