Prince Charles news: Charles reads a famous book saga to George, Charlotte and Louis | Royal | News (Reports)


Camilla revealed that Prince Charles liked to read Harry Potter to her grandchildren during an interview. She told the Daily Mail: “Sometimes, when we are with my husband in Scotland, he reads them Harry Potter.

“And he does all the voices, because he is a brilliant mimic.

“I’m not very good. I try to do the voices, but acting isn’t my forte. But he sits down and they all sit with him.

“I always think they are going to be wriggling around in the bed, but they sit spellbound.”

During the 2017 interview, she added: “It’s really sweet, he’s extremely good with children. They love it.”

“Children keep you young. I have my grandchildren quite a lot.

They are charging about all over the place.

“You can’t just sit down and say: ‘Sorry, I’m too old, I can’t play.’”

During the BBC documentary, Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70, his second wife Camilla explained how he even made an effort with his step grandchildren.

Prince William told Town and Country how his father and his children had to learn to communicate via video calls during the coronavirus lockdown.

He said: “As you can imagine, the younger generation are a little bit more tech-savvy. But only just.

“I think we’re getting there now, the family are getting a little bit more used to being able to contact each other and pressing the right buttons and not dropping the computer halfway through.”

The Royal Family held a virtual meeting via video call for Prince Harry’s birthday on September 15.


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