Prince Charles wows world leaders with surprising skill as he tackles ‘critical challenge’ | Royal | News (Reports)


The Prince of Wales recently appeared virtually at the One Planet Summit, which was also attended by world leaders such as French President Emmanuel Macron. He used the summit to push forward his Terra Carta environmental initiative, which he is using to encourage businesses to adopt green practices.

Speaking to a room full of delegates, the Prince of Wales delivered his opening remarks in French, before switching back and forth between French and English as he went.

Prince Charles began by saying: “Je suis très touché d’avoir été invité à me joindre à vous tous, au début de cette année d’espoir, pour ce One Planet Summit unique d’une importance vitale.

“Je ne peux que vous féliciter, cher Monsieur le Président, d’offrir une occasion aussi cruciale de galvaniser une action ambitieuse mais concrète pour relever les défis critiques auxquels notre planète est confrontée et que nous partageons tous.”

This translates to: “I am most touched to have been invited to join all of you, at the start of this year of hope, for this vitally important One Planet Summit.

“I can only congratulate you, Cher Monsieur le President, for providing such a crucial opportunity to galvanize ambitious, but practical action to address the critical challenges facing this Planet, which we all share with the rest of Nature.”

The Prince went on to say that “goals and targets are only the first steps” in addressing environmental challenges.

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The scheme sets out ten main areas for action including transitioning from carbon-intensive land use.

Charles added there is a target to accrue $10 billion worth of investment into what he called ‘Natural Capital’ by next year, and highlighted President Macron’s support.

The virtual address is not the only time Prince Charles has shown off his bilingual skills.

In June last year the royal gave a speech in French as London was awarded the Legion D’Honneur for its services during the Second World War.

As in the environmental summit, President Macron was also present.

Wearing his military medals, Prince Charles said: “The appeal of 18th June by General de Gaulle embodies the spirit of French resistance.

“But it also echoes the determination of Londoners and of all British citizens who refuse to give up fighting for freedom.”

One Twitter user at the time called it a “lovely personal bilingual speech”.


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