Prince Harry has joined in a video members athletes set to compete at the Invictus Games taking place at The Hague in late May to announce the tournament had to be pushed back once again because of the ongoing pandemic. In the clip, shared by the Twitter account of the Invictus Games at The Hague, the Duke of Sussex and the athletes paid tribute to people working on the frontline to tackle Covid-19.
Speaking in turn, they said: “We are Invictus. We have seen struggles, we felt loss and pain. We survived. And we will thrive.
“Because we know resilience. Because we are resilience. It’s who we are. On the battlefields, and off.
“We serve, we commit. We persevere. We heal.
“To the key workers on the frontlines in the battle against the pandemic – we are with you.”
The Duke added a message of hope and resilience, announcing the Games will go ahead when the time is appropriate.
He said, joined by the Games’ competitors: “And when the world is ready, we will compete. With all we have. With all we are.
“We will wear individual flags. But know that we are all one.”
The Games at The Hague had been initially scheduled to take place in May 2020.
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But the coronavirus pandemic forced the Duke of Sussex and organisers to postpone it to protect athletes, their teams and supporters.
However, as Covid-19 continues to fester the world, Prince Harry and other heads of the Invictus Games Foundations decided to reschedule again the tournament for spring next year.