Prince William got THIS present for Kate Middleton to ‘seal deal’ in courtship of Duchess | Royal | News (Reports)


During the Royally Obsessed podcast, Rachel Bowie and Roberta Fiorito discussed the Duke of Cambridge’s admission that Kate Middleton received one of the worst gifts he had ever gotten. Ms Bowie joked that Prince William, the President of the FA, got the binoculars so that Kate, now the Duchess of Cambridge, could watch football matches with him.  

Ms Fiorito said: “I keep thinking of the recently unveiled interview that Prince William gave where he talked about getting Kate binoculars and how she was like what?”

Ms Bowie added: “She was like ‘what do I do with these?

“Why did you get them for me?’

“He said it was really early on in the courtship and he was joking and said that must have sealed the deal.

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“But also he was like that is the worst gift I have ever gotten.”

Ms Fiorito replied: “His reason was like you can see so far away.”

Ms Bowie said: “I am confused as to if he thought she was a bird-watcher? Why would he get her binoculars.

“Maybe he thought they would be going to a lot of football games together.”

Ms Fiorito replied: “So, William told Harry ‘don’t feel you have to rush this, take as much time as you need to get to know this girl,’ and that was really what kind of ruffled Harry’s feathers.

“He felt that it was very cavalier about the woman he was head over heels in love.

“I think that really set off the distance.

“What I found interesting in Omid’s take was just that Kate was and is intensely loyal to Prince William.

“So, I can understand that if there was some sort of discord between the two then if there wasn’t a chance of them coming together as a friendship maybe they divided.”

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