Princess Beatrice accused of ‘flouting Covid rules’ with friends at London restaurant | Royal | News (Reports)


Princess Beatrice was spotted dining with five other people which sources have claimed are from different households. As London is in Tier 2, under the Government’s rules people must not socialise with anyone they do not live with in any indoor setting unless they are in a support bubble.

Outside, people can meet in groups of no more than six.

According to the Sun, on Saturday night a royal source said that Princess Beatrice had attended an “introductory work meeting” which would be permitted in Tier 2.

But some diners at the restaurant reportedly claimed to have seen alcohol on the royal’s table.

One source told the Sun: “it looked like a very social event to me.

“Bea should be setting a better example. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“If the Royal Family can’t get coronavirus rules right, what hope for the rest of us?

“Beatrice and her friends were laughing, joking and enjoying themselves all evening.”

The source added: “One of my pals saw her and started joking, ‘Orf with her head’ and ‘Send her to the Tower’.

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Other high profile figures have already had to apologise for flouting coronavirus restrictions, including singer Rita Ora and Sky News host Kay Burley.

Princess Beatrice is ninth in line to the royal throne and was seen during the evening with her husband Edoardo Mozzi.

She was also allegedly seen with four other guests at a Mayfair restaurant.

Mr Dundas was also reportedly seen chatting with Princess Beatrice at the evening gathering on December 9.

While posting the picture of the pair side-by-side wearing face masks, Mr Dundas proudly captioned the image as a great “catch up” with his royal friend.

A manager at the restaurant Isabel declined to comment on Princess Beatrice’s meal because he was not working on that particular night.

He told the Sun: “We have in place all the regulations the Government provided us.

“Obviously, we are not police. All we can do is ask guests if they live under the same roof. If we realise they don’t, we don’t take them.”

Buckingham Palace also declined to comment on Princess Beatrice’s meal.

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