Princess Diana news: Diana had ‘stronger connection’ with Prince Harry than Prince William | Royal | News (Reports)


Diana married Prince Charles in 1981 with hundreds of millions watching from all around the world. Her two children, Prince William and Prince Harry, were born in 1982 and 1984 respectively.

Speaking to the Daily Mail Mr McGrady said Harry shares key characteristics with his mother.

He said: “Harry is so like his mother.

“She was so, ‘This is what I’m going to do because it’s the right thing ‒ what do you mean it isn’t the official way ‒ not protocol?

“Harry is the same with Meghan, whereas William would be more, ‘What can we do here?’ and the advisers, or grey suits as Diana used to call them, would have advised him.

“But Harry is like his mum, instant reaction through emotion.

“The boys are so different like that.”

Like his mother Prince Harry has at times appeared to struggle with his royal role.

In January both he and his wife, Meghan Markle, announced they planned to stand down as senior royals.

READ MORE: ‘Very poignant comment’ young Prince Harry made before Diana death

“They will look after the heir and I will look after the spare.

“She connected with Harry more.”

Diana and Charles divorced in 1996.

A year later Diana was tragically killed in a Paris car crash.

Speaking to BBC Panorama before her death Diana explained why she struggled to fit into the wider royal family.

She said it was “because I do things differently, because I don’t go by a rule book, because I lead by the heart not the head, and albeit that’s got me into trouble in my work, I understand that”.

Harry and Meghan recently brought a new £11.2m home in Barbara County, California.

The property, situated around 95 miles up coast from Los Angeles, has nine bedrooms and 18 bathrooms.

It also comes complete with a swimming pool, tennis court and children’s cottage.

The Duke and Duchess moved to Meghan’s native California shortly before the coronavirus lockdown was imposed earlier this year.


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