‘Protected’ green belt land is lost to 250,000 new homes | UK | News (Reports)


There are now more than 250,000 homes proposed to be built on the controlled planning areas compared with 54,600 in 2013. The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, warned that on the basis of the figures, the green belt is facing “extreme and sustained pressure”.

Chief executive Crispin Truman said the countryside and green spaces have been a lifeline through lockdown – and called for action.

He said: “The Government can and must act to stop the loss of green belt and ensure greater access to nature and green space is at the heart of our planning system.

“This can be done by making best use of land previously built on before considering development on the green belt.

“The public is crying out for more access to nature.”

He said it is time ministers realised this and put people and nature key to changes.

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