Queen Elizabeth II: The bizarre demands from Queen – and why her menu is written in French | Royal | News (Reports)


What is the Queen’s favourite food?

Mr McGrady served the monarch for 15 years and said of her eating habits: “Now the chocolate biscuit cake is the only cake that goes back again and again and again every day until it’s all gone. She is absolutely a chocoholic.”

The Queen is also said to enjoy fresh fruits and salad.

Mr McGrady added: “With a banana, she’ll cut off the bottoms and cut the banana lengthwise, and then cut the banana into tiny slices to eat it with a fork.”

“We can never serve anything with garlic or too many onions.”

Speaking of the Queen’s preferred dinner, he said: “For a main course she loved game, things like Gaelic steak, fillet steak with a mushroom whisky sauce, especially if we did it with venison.

“For a first course she loved the Gleneagles pâté, which is smoked salmon, trout and mackerel.


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